Connecting actors with spaces and audiences across the UK

We are an actor’s led organisation looking to celebrate process and original material in interesting disused spaces across major cities in the UK. Our team invite writers directors and actors looking to build craft and earn from ticket shares. This is a vehicle that builds network, live performance experience and prevents craft atrophy between gigs.

ACTrophy invites actors to take charge of their time and invites audiences into the real world of performing arts.

‘ACTrophy’ - an act of will


Child’s Play

When play turns into deadly consequences

Tony and Dave are guards for the courts. They transport prisoners to and from prison to the court rooms. This time their transportee is a minor himself. They are soon to realise their prisoner is accused of a heinous crime against another child. Determined to activate Dave, Tony goads him constantly until he snaps. Dave snaps way beyond what Tony had hoped for leaving him panicked by the conseqences.



ACTrophy - an act of will

If you are an Actor, Director or Writer and would like to explore opportunities in one of our productions, please get in touch to learn how.